My Mission

My mission is to elevate our organization and profession through our membership. I promise to provide value at every level within the organization for our members and the consumers we serve.

  • To be leaders other states look upon as a leading example.

  • To groom leaders in a way that leaves our organization better than we found it.

  • To implement and finish what we start.

  • To be innovators and to be bold with our ideas, tools, and services.

Why Me


We must continue to advocate for private property rights and common-sense legislation. It’s imperative we create and lobby for legislation that protects our profession and the consumers we serve. We must hold the legislators accountable when we offer our support. We must educate our members first, and that will create a lifetime commitment to RPAC. It is something we all need to do, but often, most don’t understand why. As a National Association of REALTORS® Hall of Fame member, I will continue to invest in the top priorities of our association and lead by example. I promise to form a Presidential Advisory Group to assess where we can flourish and create advocates for us all.


As the largest trade association in the state of Florida, and one of the leading associations across the nation, professionalism in our industry is key to the success of each of us individually, and as a whole. We must hold ourselves accountable before we can be a professional to our clients. I was fortunate to serve for three years on Commitment to Excellence, which formed C2EX. This extensive project required several meetings throughout the year and a dedicated team of professionals willing to put in the time and effort to create something of value for our association.

We must utilize C2EX, the Code of Ethics, and our societies and councils to continuously advance our profession. This is an ongoing commitment that needs to stay at the forefront. The DANGER Report revealed some challenges and opportunities for us. I promise to partner with NAR C2EX and make sure Florida continues to be the leader in professionalism and to look for new and innovative ways to challenge our members to be better.


We need to maintain and continue to groom future leaders and solidify our relationship with other states. I will continue to bridge the gap between our legacy partners and Young Professionals Network (YPN). When I was chair of YPN, we made this our mission. We have the largest association in the country, which means we have to cultivate our membership. We must provide outlets for members to thrive in and create an ecosystem that empowers them. I promise to revamp and expand our leadership program in order to prepare future leaders for state and national leadership roles.


We must ensure that Florida Realtors® remains the voice for Real Estate in Florida and that Realtors® stay central in that transaction. We need to have our finger on the pulse of potential changes and make quick decisions. I promise to be proactive, not reactive, to the rapidly changing market and disruptors.

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing is something we lobby for every year. Affordable Housing is an enormous problem that needs to be addressed through advocacy. There needs to be accountability, or we need to change the agreement we currently have in place. We should not be put in a yearly limbo, dependent on the budget, to see if we will get funded. I promise to create a Presidential Advisory Group to assess different options that allow for more consistency for our members and consumers.

Non-Dues Revenue

Now is the time to address this component again—we have grown and learned. There are many opportunities for us to capitalize on that will benefit our members. This ties into the value proposition. We can be the innovators in this area. We have too much talent and opportunity to not take advantage of this area. We cannot continue to count on membership alone. I promise to create an innovative, informative, and empowering program to lead our members through their careers with our tools and services.

Value Proposition

We need to reestablish our value proposition to our members and local boards. Most can’t articulate what they are paying or why. This lack of understanding troubles me. I promise to provide a detailed summary and create a program to contact our members and boards consistently. Also, I promise to create a sounding board for suggestions in areas where changes may be needed. I promise to partner with our Brokers/Local Boards to establish open dialogue and create programs that meet their needs and help them succeed.


We will bridge the gap between our Residential and Commercial members. There is a disconnect between our Residential and Commercial members and it is time to bridge that gap. It’s time to reinforce that relationship, to listen to both sides, and to develop a solution. As the pandemic changed our lives overnight, we need to assist our commercial family with an unknown market ahead. As we continue to fight to eliminate business rent tax, we must do more. I promise to partner with our Commercial family and create an ecosystem that empowers all.


Living and working in Florida, we all know the importance of international relationships. Those relationships help fuel our economy and our profession. We must make sure our communication is steadfast. We will stay consistent and learn about the opportunities we have and make sure our International partners think of Florida first. I promise to solidify and create opportunities with these critical partners.